Anderson, Cummings & Drawhorn is proud to sponsor the 23rd Annual Big Brothers Big Sisters Clay Shoot to benefit the organizations Bigs Outdoors Mentoring Program. Bigs Outdoors expands upon the organizations traditional mentoring program by matching adults with a passion for the outdoors with children who would not otherwise have the opportunity to spend time outdoors.
The clay shoot will be held on Saturday, Aug. 29, 2015 at the Alpine Shooting Range in Fort Worth and is open to men, women and children of all skill levels. The day will include a nature day, fishing excursions, and dove, duck and hog hunts. Children will also have the opportunity to participate in a hunters education and firearms safety course.
Often referred to as golf with a shotgun or a video game for adults, sporting clays simulate a live target in a natural setting. The event will allow participants to enjoy a fun day in the outdoors with good food and many prizes.
To learn more details about the event or to register as an individual or a team, visit the clay shoot event page.
Big Brothers Big Sisters is the largest donor and volunteer supported mentoring organization in the country. It offers professionally supported one-on-one mentoring relationships for children facing adversity, helping them to achieve increased confidence, higher aspirations and ultimately improved success.
The team of Fort Worth personal injury attorneys and support staff at Anderson, Cummings & Drawhorn are proud to continue to support our community and wonderful causes such as this. We look forward to a fun day enjoying the outdoors!