Many teenagers look forward to the freedom of getting their drivers license, but its important they understand the responsibility that comes with driving.
An intersection is a very common place to experience a car accident because one or both parties believe they can pass through a light before it turns red. It happens every day. If you think about it, intersections are probably the most dangerous places to be. After all, intersections are where vehicles and pedestrians are trying to occupy the same real estate.
When teens start driving, they can have difficulty making precise turns. In part, this is due to inexperience. It may also be related to teen difficulty in judging distance, location and speed.
Deadly Traffic Hotspot: Intersections
- According to the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, approximately 40 percent of all collisions (more than 2 million per year) occur at or near intersections.
- Each year, more than 6,500 people die in intersection collisions, and it isn’t only drivers and their passengers who are at risk.
- Approximately five out of 10 pedestrian traffic injuries occur at intersections as well.
One of the main reasons intersections are so dangerous is because drivers don’t obey traffic signals. Remind your teen to pay close attention to the traffic light when approaching the intersection.
As you approach an intersection, slow down and look both ways. Just because you have a green light does not mean it’s safe to cross.
Defensive Driving is Key
- Defensive driving means assuming that another driver will make a mistake and go through the red light.
- Once you see the intersection is safe, return to your normal speed.
- Never stop in an intersection unless you are turning left or it’s an emergency.
Have you lost a loved one due to the negligent actions of another motorist?
When a driver fails to adhere to the traffic laws, they may be held accountable for the accidents and injuries they cause. If you or your family member was injured by a distracted driver, you may be able to hold him or her responsible for their negligence. Contact a personal injury lawyer from Anderson Cummings today, and learn how our experienced Texas injury attorneys can help you.
Call (817) 920-9000 to schedule your free consultation today.