When test-driving a vehicle, you are at just as much a risk for being involved in an auto accident as any other time you are on the road. The only difference is that you are in a vehicle that you do not own.
Because of this, determining who should pay if you are injured in a test-drive accident can often be complicated.
Dealership Insurance Coverage
Usually dealerships have insurance coverage for all vehicles on the lot. Therefore, if you test-drive a new or used vehicle and get in an accident, the car is normally covered by the dealers insurance. This includes vehicular accidents that happen off the lot as well.
Specifics will vary based on each case and this is why it is critical that you contact one of our experienced attorneys immediately.
While test-drive accidents are rare, it is still useful to know what to expect if the unexpected happens.
If you are in a car crash while test driving a vehicle and you are not at-fault, the other drivers insurance company typically pays for damages and is responsible for injuries.
If you test-drive a vehicle that is faulty at a dealership and are in an accident, the dealer will have their insurance pay for vehicle damages and provide injury compensation.
It is wise to seek legal counsel if you have been injured in an auto accident. Our experienced car wreck lawyers can evaluate your claim and best represent your case.
Schedule Your Free Test-drive Accident Consultation Today
At Anderson Cummings, our personal injury attorneys fight for justice. Our experienced team of Fort Worth auto accident attorneys are waiting to help if you have been injured in a test-drive accident or you need questions answered about your claim.
Schedule your free consultation by calling (817) 920-9000 or filling out the Free Case Evaluation form.