Every year, thousands of people are killed in car accidents, and hundreds of thousands more are injured. While the circumstances of each accident are unique in their own way, most accidents have a common root cause.
Have you or someone that you love been injured in an accident that was caused by another driver?
Whatever the cause of your car accident, the Fort Worth auto accident lawyers at Anderson & Cummings can help you and your family recover the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
Request your FREE case review today: (877) 920-9009
Top Causes of Texas Car Accidents
From distracted drivers to hazardous road conditions, Texas drivers face dozens of dangerous obstacles during their everyday commutes. Here are some of the most common causes of car accidents in Texas:
- Texting & Driving
- Drunk Driving
- Speeding
- Reckless Driving
- Defective Car Parts
- Tailgating
- Driver Fatigue
- Tire Blowouts
- Collision with Animals
- Hazardous Weather Conditions
Not all of these causes are the result of human mistakes, however, nearly all drivers involved in them can benefit from the advice and guidance of an experienced auto accident attorney.
Need Legal Help After a Car Crash? Call Our Law Firm Today
At the law offices of Anderson & Cummings, our personal injury lawyers take the extra time to get to the real cause of an accident.
We know that another driver may try and shirk responsibility for causing your injuries, so we routinely visit the scene of an accident, review police reports and hospital records, interview witnesses and subpoena cell phone records. We know that your case is about justice, and making sure that you receive the compensation to which you are entitled for your injuries.
If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, you need knowledgeable and aggressive legal representation that will fight for your rights.
Let’s Win This®
Experienced Lawyers. Proven Results. (817) 920-9000