The death toll for Americans on job sites has risen in 2014, compared to the previous year. Self-employed, contract and older employees were primarily impacted and preliminary data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates a two percent hike in the death total. There were 4,679 workplace deaths in 2014 and 4,585 in 2013.
The occupations most affected by fatal injuries were transportation and material moving jobs. These industries had the largest percentage of fatalities 28 percent. Last year, truck drivers, sales and drivers accounted for 835 out of 1,289 fatal injuries.
Other industries with an increase in workplace deaths were extraction and construction. Included in this group were electricians, laborers, supervisors, painters and roofers. Forestry, farming and fishing sectors experienced a nine percent jump. Police officers and police and detective supervisors had a 17 percent increase in workplace fatalities.
While women experienced a 13 percent rise in workplace fatalities, this group made up only eight percent of the total increase. Latinos had the highest percentage of workplace deaths at 3.6 for every 100,000 workers. Additionally, African-American and Asian-American workers climbed up to 3 and 1.7 fatalities for every 100,000 workers respectfully.
With workers staying employed longer, the majority of fatal injuries in the 55 and older group took place in workers aged 65 and older. The preliminary number for workers ages 55 and older surged to nine percent in 2014. According to health and safety experts, older workers may be at a higher risk for health and safety hazards.
Self-employed and contract workers also experienced a rise in the death toll with fatalities at 10 percent and six percent respectively. This increase could be cause for concern if employers are misclassify-ing workers as independent contractors as a way to dodge workers compensation and wage laws.
If you or a loved one has experienced an injury on the job, contact the personal injury attorneys at Anderson Cummings for a free legal consultation to review your case.
Call (817) 920-9000 today.