Anderson, Cummings & Drawhorn Donates 100 Turkeys to Community Food Bank

donating turkeysAnderson, Cummings & Drawhorn is proud to announce that the firm has made a very generous donation to the Community Food Bank in Fort Worth.

The law firm was proud to donate 100 turkeys for families in need this holiday season. An urgent call was made by Community Food Bank and Anderson, Cummings & Drawhorn was happy to answer that call, with all staff in attendance to help. In fact, the food bank is still in need of turkeys for families this Thanksgiving.

You can drop off your food bank donations at 3000 Galvez Avenue in Fort Worth, TX.

The goal of Community Food Bank in Fort Worth was to provide 4,000 turkeys to families in need. Last year, the food bank provided more than 4,000 turkeys, 8,000 desserts and 33,000 canned goods during their annual Thanksgiving Turkey giveaway.

If you’re unable to donate goods for Thanksgiving, Community Food Bank accepts donations all year long.

Consider donating food, funds or your time this holiday season to help those in need!

*These are actual dollar amounts paid to clients after the deduction of attorney fees and expenses.


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