Dallas Accident Injures 6, Including 4 Firefighters

ambulance workersA cement truck and a fire truck collided this afternoon in southern Dallas, injuring several people.

Truck 24 from Dallas Fire-Rescue was headed to a structural fire when it collided with a cement mixer at 2nd Avenue and Hatcher Street. The cement mixer was knocked over onto its side, nearly crushing a smaller pickup truck.

Miraculously, the pickup truck was wedged between the cement mixers cab and the mixing drum, which kept the pickup from being crushed under the weight of the drum.

According to a spokesperson for Dallas Fire-Rescue, six people were transported to local hospitals after the accident, including four firefighters. All six had relatively minor personal injuries.

The cause of the accident is still being investigated by Dallas police.

No matter how minor your injuries may be after an accident, collisions can be traumatic for all involved. If you or someone you love has been injured, the accident attorneys at Anderson, Cummings & Drawhorn are here for you. You deserve to be compensated for your physical and emotional trauma, and our attorneys will help make sure you get what you deserve.

Call (817) 920-9000 to have your claim reviewed for free.

*These are actual dollar amounts paid to clients after the deduction of attorney fees and expenses.


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