Defensive Driving Tactics That May Help You Avoid a Big Rig Crash in Fort Worth

semi-truck on rainy highway next to carsSharing the road with semi-trucks, 18-wheelers and other commercial vehicles is intimidating for many drivers. While trucks may often travel the same routes you take, these defensive driving tactics can help you to avoid being in a big rig crash.

At Anderson & Cummings, we have seen firsthand the devastation caused by commercial truck crashes. The victims often sustain catastrophic, life-altering injuries in these collisions. However, the families of injured truck crash victims also suffer, both from the unexpected financial burden and because of the harm to their loved ones.

Learn more about defensive driving techniques you can use when sharing the road with a semi-truck below. If you were injured in a crash caused by a negligent truck driver and need legal help, we encourage you to contact our law offices right away.

Our truck crash lawyers in Fort Worth have extensive experience managing truck crash claims, and we are prepared to help. Find out if you have a case today. There is no cost or risk to learn about your legal options.

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Remember That Trucks Do Not Operate Like Cars

One huge mistake many drivers may make, especially those with less experience behind the wheel, is thinking that trucks operate like cars. They do not. In fact, commercial trucks differ from passenger vehicles in many ways, including that they are:

  • Heavier and bigger vehicles – Commercial trucks are, on average 20 to 30 times the size of a passenger car. What this means for you is getting hit by one of these vehicles is going to cause a lot more damage than getting into a crash with another car.
  • Harder to stop – The size and weight of 18-wheelers and other big rigs mean they need a lot more time and distance to stop than a small car. This is just one reason why cutting in front of one of these big rigs is not just a bad idea, it could be deadly.
  • Have more and bigger blind spots – Also called “no zones”, these areas define where a truck driver will be unable to see your vehicle driving near them.
  • Easier to lose control of – Unlike a small sedan or even an SUV, if truck drivers slam on the brakes because you cut in front of them, it could cause the truck to jackknife. You do not want to cause a truck to do this. Think of the trailer doing the same kind of action as when you fold up a pocket knife. Vehicles caught in the middle of a big rig jackknife crash will likely get crushed, causing their occupants to suffer catastrophic or fatal injuries.
  • Take wider turns – Trucks not only need more distance to stop, but they also need more space to turn. The size of the vehicle requires them to make wider turns. This means that the truck driver often needs to sway into another lane to give them the ability to turn.
  • More likely to roll over: Commercial vehicles have a higher center of gravity. This makes them more likely to roll over under certain driving conditions, such as when bad weather makes the road more dangerous. For instance, if the truck driver takes a turn or goes around a curve too fast. If you are driving near them, you could get hit by a truck rolling over.
  • Big enough to cause wind gusts: If you are riding next to a truck, you could experience an unexpected wind gust. Some drivers get startled enough that it causes them to swerve into the next lane. Putting a full lane between you and a commercial truck can help you to avoid this scenario.
  • Likely to cast spray from rain and snow: In bad weather, the larger commercial truck tires could suddenly cast large amounts of snow or water onto your windshield, temporarily blocking your vision. Drivers in this situation may often panic and slam on their brakes. However, this could cause them to lose control and crash. A better response is to stay back from trucks altogether, especially in bad weather.

What is Defensive Driving?

Many people think that defensive driving is simply following traffic laws. However, this is only partly true. Defensive driving also means anticipating what road risks you could face and driving in a manner to reduce those risks.

What Defensive Driving Tactics Could Help Me Avoid a Big Rig Truck Crash?

A defensive driving approach can help you avoid many types of crashes, such as those involving other vehicles, cyclists, motorcycle riders or pedestrians.

When it comes to avoiding the risk of a crash with a commercial truck, some defensive driving tips include:

  • Get familiar with where blind spots are on a truck and stay out of those zones
  • Know other differences, such as how trucks take longer to stop
  • Do not travel next to a truck, and never pass one on the right
  • Try to leave one full lane between you and a truck
  • Do not cut trucks off, ever
  • Put more space between you and any semi-truck
  • Do not allow yourself to get distracted by your smartphone or anything else while driving
  • Be patient with trucks – they take longer to get up to speed, parallel park, turn, etc. Honking your horn at them may make them angry, but it will not help them to move any faster.
  • Do not pass a truck unless you can pull way ahead of them. You should be able to see the truck fully in your rearview mirror before you merge in front of that vehicle.
  • If a commercial vehicle is going downhill, remember they could quickly pick up speed, due to their weight, and be unable to stop if you cut in front of them.

Injured in a Big Rig Truck Crash in Fort Worth? Call Our Trusted Law Firm for Help

Sometimes despite your best efforts, you may get injured in a crash with a commercial truck. If this happens, we strongly recommend seeking legal help without delay. Truck crash evidence can quickly get destroyed or lost if you do not take steps to protect it.

Call to discuss your potential legal options today. If you choose our firm to represent you, there is nothing to pay up front or while we manage your case. We only get paid for our services if we are successful in winning your case.

Millions Recovered. Proven Results. (817) 920-9000

*These are actual dollar amounts paid to clients after the deduction of attorney fees and expenses.


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